A Silk Blanket That Made Me Feel All Fuzzy And Warm Again

A Silk Blanket That Made Me Feel All Fuzzy And Warm Again


Hugh Watson

Silk bedding products have been gaining popularity over the past few years. Silk sheets, pillowcases, blankets and even duvets are no longer seen as an item of extravagance, but have become more commonplace in todays bedrooms than even five years ago.


The first thing that really made me stop and have a closer look at a silk bedding product was a silk blanket. I was on a trip to China at the time and had some time to kill. Deciding to have a wander around a market I wound up at a bedding stall looking at the products on offer. Casually browsing I brushed past a blanket on a shelf and suddenly stopped dead. What I had brushed past looked like a fairly standard blanket but it was almost unbelievably soft. The benefits of silk bedding have been well known and documented for centuries now. The manufacture of silk in China dates back almost seven thousand years. It is rumoured the Chinese valued the secrets of silk manufacture so highly that it was kept secret for hundreds of years, only going into mass production with the expansion of the Silk Road. Being a natural protein, silk is far less hospitable to bacteria and dust mites than other bedding. This is great news for allergy sufferers and is something the ancient Chinese were well aware of. As foreign trade increases we are seeing an increase of bedding products that we could only dream of a few years ago. A good example of a business selling quality silk products can be seen at the likes of silksleep (dot) com who focus solely on the sale of a silk bedding range. Because of market expansion, silk bedding goods being produced today are of exceptionally high quality. Techniques in working silk into a fine fur and then threaded into a blanket base have recently been perfected. The result is a product that didnt previously exist. The pure softness combined with the hypoallergenic advantages of silk is frankly quite remarkable and something more and more people are discovering. I purchased a silk blanket while in China and have not spent a night without it since. Sleeping under silk is a rejuvenating experience, one that we have been missing out on for so many years. The pure decadence of sleeping under something that has been reserved for Kings and Emperors for centuries and is now suddenly available to us all. Prices of silk bedding have been steadily coming in line with more conventional luxury bedding. It looks like the bedding revolution has finally arrived.

Hugh Watson has been assisting the import of

Silk Goods

from the East and introducing them to Western markets. If you have any questions or require clarification on any of our products be sure to email at



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