Ways To Help Stop Dog Seperation Anxiety

Submitted by: Lance Baker

Did you know that 10 percent of puppies and older dogs are troubled by separation anxiety? What’s the easy way to spot Separation Anxiety? Here are a few items to look for. Is your dog chewing the furniture constantly? Does your dog become anxious and worked up when you are preparing to leave the house? Does your dog attempt to dig holes in your carpet? When you arrive home does is your dog all over the top? Is your dog only badly behaved when you’re not there? When you are there does your dog follow you around constantly? These are all major signs that your dog is troubled by Separation stress disorder.

Treating your dog needs will take time, commitment and dedication.

Dogs like to naturally join the pack; to them… you are their pack; being left alone all day causes stress and panic. They don’t know when you are coming back. Our steadfast pals are naturally social animals.

Doggie Day Care might be an ideal solution to treating your pet. This may offer closeness for your dog, compared to them being home alone all day. They get to be part of a pack, socialized, fed, watered and walked. The result, a satisfied well behaved dog. Many dogs have separation nervousness. It’s because of a choice of things and the results can be dire for the owner and the dog. The wonderful stories is that separation nervousness is treatable. It’s also avoidable.


The first query to ask is… Does your dog really have separation anxiety? The first thing to do is ask some inquiries to choose whether or not it is fundamentally separation hysteria or if it is a dog who just does not have the training to get left alone in the house. Inspect your dog’s behavior. If they are chewing or barking or having house training accidents when you’re gone those are separate non anxiousness related issues. These are commoner if it’s a newer dog to the family or a younger dog. Teenager dogs have an inclination to have issues with chewing. If it is having accidents then the dog that won’t have been fully housetrained. And barking when alone can regularly indicate a dog that is just bored. Perhaps it isn’t getting masses of exercise or not getting enough of attention.

Separation anxiousness itself is a lot more than just behavioral issues. It’s actually an emotional issue, just like a human would have stress. Some of the key indicators is the dog is largely getting very twitchy as you are starting to leave. A separation foreboding dog will pace, quiver, gasp and infrequently they get a real wild look in their eye. When you’re gone, they are doing heaps of things. They might be barking non-stop. Plenty of dogs will bark or whine for the first five or ten minuets that you are gone, but a dog with separation anxiety will go on for much longer time. So if they are chewing and digging and it’s a small happening in a suggestion to get out of the house? Then they may have house-training accidents. So the dog is house-trained, but they are having accidents due to their level of hysteria. What causes separation anxiety? A selection of things can make a contribution to separation hysteria and it can happen to varying degrees depending on the cause and the personality of the dog. These are some frequent reasons for true separation anxiety: – 1) Moving – Being left alone too much when they used to be a puppy – 2) Not being socialised – 3) Shock and / or abuse – A twitchy personality.

Treating and Stopping Separation Anxiety— there are actually three methods to treat and forestall separation nervousness. Depending on the degree of anxiety many vets will advocate drugs. It is like treating a stress disorder in humans. If you can calm the reaction then you can begin to work with it. The second system to treating separation tension can be done alone or in partnership with anti nervousness alteration. It’s called counter conditioning. Counter conditioning takes the behaviors that trigger agitation in your dog and changes them into positive experiences. For example, grabbing your keys or putting on your shoes might be triggers to your dog that you are getting ready to leave.

You may notice their behavior becomes concerned. By associating these triggers with something positive, the dog will begin to change their brooding about being left alone. It doesn’t happen overnight but it does happen. So how do you change a nervousness causing trigger with something positive? Give a treat only when you are leaving or performing counter conditioning training.

Prevention occurs when you first get your dog. It starts with crate coaching and passing time away from your dog, again leaving them with something fun and luscious. Even if you plan on always being home with your dog, life changes.

For More information on Dog Training go to;


About the Author: Mr Baker loves to write on various topic and if this was helpful please go to;





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